The top 10 greatest super moves in fighting games

Rooflemonger shares his list of favorites

The top 10 greatest super moves in fighting games

Super moves have been a staple in fighting games for a very long time now. These powerful techniques generally utilize a meter that must be filled throughout a fight, and once full, allow a fighter to unleash a devastating attack that is often big, flashy, and cinematic.

From Street Fighter to Tekken, most fighting games nowadays have super attacks, and there have been hundreds of fighting games over the years that come packed with their own version of these maneuvers. But which ones are the best of all? Rooflemonger recently put together a video that lists the top 10 super moves in fighting games, and there are some really strong picks on his list.

Rooflemonger begins by disclosing the criteria he used for selecting this top 10. Obviously, this type of list is subjective, so there’s a good chance something you think should be on here doesn’t make an appearance.

That having been said, Roof doesn’t focus on simply raw power of the super here, but instead takes into consideration things like how cool, funny, or memorable they are. Supers that are a strong showcase of the character performing the attack are also high priority.

The #10 spot on this list goes to Doomsday’s “Mass Destruction” super in Injustice: Gods Among Us. NetherRealm Studios is known for having big, cinematic attacks that have a lot of attention to detail put into them in their fighting games, and Doomsday’s is a great example of that.

Mass Destruction sees the Superman villain smash his opponent through the floor and proceed to pummel his foe all the way through the earth’s core until both fighters appear on the other side of the planet. He smashes through the surface and into the ocean before bringing the opponent back the way he came, pummeling them all the way back through to the starting point.

A simpler, but even more memorable super can be found among Terry Bogard’s move list, and it is none other than Buster Wolf. This trademark of the popular SNK fighter is among the most memorable attacks in fighting games, and it also happens to feature the character’s most popular catch phrase, “Are you okay?!”

You can check out Rooflemonger’s full list of top 10 super moves in fighting games below. Let us know if you agree, disagree, or if there’s something in particular you feel should have been given a spot on this list.
