Evil Is As Evil Does | The Liberty Beacon

Evil. Normal Americans know it exists and walks among them. Like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, they know it when they see it. They know Satan is evil’s father and acts that violate God’s law, and many that violate man’s law, are clearly evil. 

Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) have rather a different definition. Some might intellectually admit the existence of evil but their definition always devolves to anything or anyone who refuses to adopt and praise their policies. Because they think their policies the very definition of good, they deny the horrors evil wreaks. They trivialize evil to excuse and normalize it, to make it theirs. They come to see it as their invention and think they can control it. They can’t. They can only make it easier for evil to devastate God’s creation.

We establish criminal law to restrain evil, to punish it, perhaps to deter it. And because we recognize the truly evil must be removed from existence, we ordain the death penalty, which is imposed only for the demonic acts of a few. This power comes from God who gives us the unalienable right to self-defense. We loan this power, on condition of good, moral, sane behavior, to the police, prosecutors and courts. But because they are human, they sometimes embrace and aid evil.

Take the case of Daniel Penny who any reasonable person would understand saved lives on a New York subway car. For that exercise of legitimate power against evil, he faced years in prison. DA Alvin Bragg aligned himself with evil in that prosecution. Intelligent enough to know prosecuting legitimate self-defense can only encourage greater evil and prevent the good from using their power to combat it lest Bragg’s evil be visited on them, Bragg chose evil.

Evil Is As Evil Does | The Liberty Beacon

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And evil responded when an illegal immigrant, previously deported at least once, set a handicapped woman using a walker ablaze in a New York Subway car. Asleep, she didn’t awaken until fully engulfed, finding herself briefly in Hell. The killer watched her burn, and no one, not even a police officer, tried to help her. Evil always waits its chance, spreads like a virus and Alvin Bragg accelerated it. 

So too did Joe Biden’s handlers. One can reasonably argue they’re responsible for a great deal of evil here and abroad. Their years-long manipulation of a demented man surely qualifies as evil in and of itself. I’m tempted to say their crowning achievement was the commutation of 37 death sentences, but they have about a month to try to top even that demonic accomplishment.

In so doing, they seized American’s power of self-defense, taking unto themselves that power, denying the sober consideration of juries, subverting our system of justice and exalting evil:

That’s obvious when you look at the killers Biden spared. Take Daniel Troya and Ricardo Sanchez, Jr., who murdered a family of four in cold blood, including three-year-old Luis Damian Escobedo and four-year-old Luis Julian Escobedo. Or consider Jorge Avila-Torrez, who murdered eight-year-old Laura Hobbs and nine-year-old Krystal Tobias in 2005. Avila-Torrez then joined the Marines, strangled U.S. Navy petty officer Amanda Jean Snell to death, and abducted and assaulted two more women before finally being apprehended.

Nine of the additional demons killed other prisoners in prison, making absolutely clear Biden’s handlers intend to ensure the death penalty deters no one. Of the 40 on death row, only three remain:

Biden’s midnight decision spared the lives of all but the three most notorious capital inmates: the Tree of Life Synagogue shooter, the Emmanuel AME Church shooter, and the surviving Boston Marathon bomber.

Setting aside those demons is a particularly evil, political decision. Biden’s handlers—he’s surely not competent to make such momentous decisions—must have seen political advantage therein. They must have made the political calculation that even their own base wasn’t quite up to that level of evil, at least not yet. Part of their calculation was surely to give Biden—themselves—moral cover, a way to contrast those three demons with the 37 other demons, the better to claim the moral high ground, to exalt their moral and intellectual superiority over inferior beings, to demonstrate their lofty principles.

One can argue such people aren’t truly evil, that they’re merely caught up in self-righteous political delusions. Surely not everyone whose political beliefs do harm is evil, but those who would knowingly destroy the lives of others, who would enact policies that can only do harm, that would terrify the good into allowing evil, that would excuse and enable the most demonic among us, have earned that title. If the self-imaged elite are truly morally and intellectually superior, where’s their excuse for the evil they encourage, unleash and inflict?

Evil exists. We see it here and around the world. We are given the opportunity to recognize and oppose it and in so doing to define ourselves. That opposition begins with calling it what it is and not shying away from identifying its human actors and their enablers.

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