This condiment is the only sauce you’ll need to hack the holidays – Paradise Post

This condiment is the only sauce you’ll need to hack the holidays – Paradise Post

By Jenn Harris, Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — The condiment shelf in my refrigerator is a chaotic place. I am no Marie Kondo, but I could argue that each jar, squeeze bottle and tube sparks real joy.

My bottle of Kewpie shares real estate with a 64-ounce jar of Best Foods. There are about eight bottles of chili crisp at any given time, plus Fly by Jing‘s chili crisp vinaigrette. Fancy mustards are crowded with not-so-fancy mustards and there’s a bottle of Son fish sauce because I read that it was one of author Andrea Nguyen‘s favorites. The usual suspects of ketchup, barbecue sauce and Frank’s Red Hot are all present.

The most consistent category, beyond the chili crisps, is a growing collection of toum. The garlic dip has been a favorite since I first tried garlic sauce at Zankou Chicken in Hollywood more than 30 years ago. I can still remember the sharp bite of garlic, the slight tang and the impossibly fluffy texture that seemed to disappear on my tongue.

Toum, like hummus, is the name used to refer to the ingredient and the dip. Toum means garlic in Arabic, and hummus is the word for chickpeas. Toum is a dip typically made with garlic, oil, salt and lemon, processed or pummeled until it transforms into a smooth, white paste.
