Remembering the worst fighting game comeback mechanic of all time

Remembering the worst fighting game comeback mechanic of all time

The term “worst” could mean a lot of different things when it comes to fighting game mechanics, and so before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we should clarify that Khanage’s excellent new video is talking about a comeback mechanic that’s incredibly ineffective at doing its job.

Where so many modern games erred on the side of giving losing characters too much of an unearned advantage (looking real hard at you, V-Trigger in Street Fighter 5) Street Fighter X Tekken’s Pandora Mode was an unfortunate flop.

Especially after all of Khanage’s detailed research, it’s not hard to see how developers could, in another universe wherein Street Fighter X Tekken were still being supported, tweak Pandora to make it more viable. Unfortunately, the myriad of other issues that plagued SFxT’s short lifespan ensured that will likely never happen.

For those who are unaware or need a refresher, losing SFxT players can make a last ditch try at victory by sacrificing one of their two characters and starting a ticking time bomb for the other.

The advantage, however, is that you garner improved stats for that short while as your remaining character hits harder, moves faster, and (after a buff) gains full meter.

The problem in a nutshell? Street Fighter X Tekken was a famously slow game, and putting yourself at odds with the clock (which is arguably Pandora’s chief effect) is a near surefire way to guarantee you won’t be making a comeback.

This one issue feels like it’s enough to make Pandora a bust, but the rabbit hole goes much deeper. Khanage explains his way through a number of additional reasons Pandora wound up with the title of worst comeback mechanic in the very worthwhile watch below.
