Capcom Pro Tour US/Canada West Regional Finals rescheduled following discovery of game-breaking Street Fighter 6 bug

Capcom Pro Tour US/Canada West Regional Finals rescheduled following discovery of game-breaking Street Fighter 6 bug

Both Street Fighter 6 and the Capcom Pro Tour have been moving through turbulent times as Capcom’s recent and highly-anticipated Street Fighter 6 update patch brought with it an unintended bug that instantly hampered the game’s competitive viability.

To make matters worse, this update was rolled out in the middle of the Capcom Pro Tour Regional Finals, a series of 24 major Street Fighter tournaments used to determine the top players across the globe. Organizers have announced that the US/Canada West Regional Finals event, one that was slated to take place on the day the bug was discovered, has officially been rescheduled.

Level Up, the organization tasked with running the US/Canada West Finals, announced back in December 4 that they’d be postponing their Pro Tour event after players quickly discovered a bug that caused characters who were knocked down after being Perfect Parried to lose the ability to buffer attacks during their wake up.

Just two days after the bug was discovered, Capcom rolled out a roll back patch that reverted some intended changes made to Perfect Parry, but also got rid of the bug those changes caused.

Level Up took to X once again on Monday to announce a new date for the postponed event, which will now take place on a Sunday nearly three weeks after the initially planned date.

“Our Regional Final date is set for Dec. 22 at 8pm Pacific Time,” starts the post. “We understand the date falls on a Sunday but choosing an available option which compliments every players schedule takes priority over our traditional Wednesday.”

“We want to thank our finalists for working with us so quickly on this matter and we can’t wait to see you compete at the finals! Watch the finals unfold on as we send our next qualifier to Capcom Cup 11!” it concludes. You can see the original embedded here:

We still have no word on if and when Capcom will try again to implement their intended Perfect Parry alteration, but for now getting the Pro Tour back on track and the game in a proper place are surely the highest priorities. Below is the updated schedule for the remainder of the regular season CPT:

Thursday, 14th of November – US Canada East

Saturday, 16th of November – Central America East, Central America West, South America East

Saturday, 23rd of November – South Africa

Sunday, 24th of November – Asia South East, Oceania, South America West

Friday, 29th of November – South Korea

Saturday, 30th of November – UK/Ireland, Spain/Portugal

Sunday, 1st of December – Germany, Asia South

Saturday, 7th of December – China

Saturday, 14th of December – US-Canada Midwest

Saturday, 21st of December – Europe North-East, Middle East

Sunday, 22nd of December – Europe West

Sunday, 22nd of December – US Canada West, Brazil, Asia East, Mexico, France/Monaco

Sunday, 19th of January 2025 – Japan
