Vice and Mature character breakdown trailers released for The King of Fighters 15 showing off some new moves

Vice and Mature character breakdown trailers released for The King of Fighters 15 showing off some new moves

After months of waiting, fans finally got to see Vice and Mature in action for The King of Fighters 15 in their debut gameplay trailer, and now they can see much more about how the duo are going to work in practice.

SNK just dropped the official character breakdown trailers for both Vice and Mature, which go over their deadly moves and special abilities with added descriptions for each of KOF15’s likely final DLC members.

They go over the phantoms’ key normal attacks at the start of the videos though we’re going to be focusing more on their specials and Supers shown here starting with…

Mayhem: Vice’s signature dash attack that can be canceled into her hitgrab Splash to bring the opponent to the ground.

The heavy and EX versions of the shoulder rush launch the enemy up in the air as well for more follow-up options or to combo into the light version of itself.

Deicide: Vice whips her arm out to drag the opponent close to her with different follow-up capabilities depending on the strength used.

Deicide Avatar: New special that directs her whip upwards at an angle to use as an anti-air or in combos.

Gorefest: Fast command grab that pushes opponent closer to the corner with the EX version offering follow-up potential.

Blackened: A slower command grab that has invulnerability.

Splash: A leaping grab attack with the EX version offering tracking and projectile invulnerability.

Overkill: Command grab Super that snatches the opponent out of the air and can be combo’d into.

Ebony Tears: Mature’s signature slow-moving projectile that makes it easier for her to approach and pressure the opponent.

Death Row: Her rapid slash attacks that offer multiple Rekka follow-ups using the heavy and EX versions.

Carnage: New special that launches the enemy on hit and offers more combo potential.

Despair: Leaping strike that can be followed up with by an aerial slash attack.

Metal Massacre: Quick single slash useful for combos and pressure mixups. The EX version crosses through the opponent on hit and leaves them in a crumple state.

For some reason they don’t seem to go over all of the upcoming characters’ moves, especially Supers, but they should be looking familiar to longtime fans like Heaven’s Gate.

And there’s only a few days more left to wait until they release.

Both Vice and Mature are set to drop this Thursday on December 12 for $10 as more than likely the final DLC characters for the game.

On top of that, SNK is also releasing a big balance update on the same day to make adjustments to all current members of the cast as well.

Finally, the developer is dropping an ultimate edition of KOF15 then too that comes with all of the game’s content for $60.

These ladies weren’t the only SNK fighters to receive a trailer this past week either, as Capcom also gave us the first teaser trailer for Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6 too.

You can check out the character breakdown trailers for both Vice and Mature below.
