Street Fighter League player lets the intrusive thoughts win and goes for flashy KO that ends up costing him the set

Don’t go testing Mister Crimson’s reactions it seems

Street Fighter League player lets the intrusive thoughts win and goes for flashy KO that ends up costing him the set

The various Street Fighter Leagues have provided some of the most consistent high-level action and on-screen rivalries for years now where each week / day offers up some crazy sequences you don’t often see in other competitions.

That goes for the current Street Fighter League Pro-EU 2024 season as well where we just got to witness what appeared to be a sure victory turn into a set loss for a risky decision that didn’t pan out as hoped.

During the day 9 match between the Aegis and Reason Gaming teams, Boltstrike and his Jamie were already down one game against Mister Crimson’s signature Dhalsim, but the former was looking to make a comeback.

After pushing the yoga master to the corner, Boltstrike manages to open his opponent up by getting tricky with his jump options, and this lets him land a level 3 Super Art.

It’s not enough to seal the deal on its own, but Jamie’s level 3 is one of the few Supers that allow for a follow-up in SF6 — so there was still a shot to take.

With just one bar of Drive Gauge and one drink stored, that didn’t leave as many options to get that last bit of damage in that combo without getting tricky.

Boltstrike attempted to close the game out by hitting a punch reset into Drive Impact, but Mister Crimson was ready for it.

The Dhalsim was able to counter DI back with just enough health to survive and instantly turn the tables.

Crimson was able to side-switch after his clutch reaction and set up his own Drive Impact in the corner against the Jamie with no more resources, leading to the stun.

Dhalsim is another character who can combo after a Super, and Mister Crimson shows that off masterfully with his big level 2 fireball leading to a double Drive Rush to be able to land his level 1 at the end too.

Even that wasn’t enough to finish the job, but Boltstrike went for the wakeup reversal to try and snatch the win back and ended up being blocked.

Crimson would take the set 2-0, and the rest of his Aegis team would sweep the competition too.

After the highlight started getting attention, Boltstrike chimed in with a funny post offering up some insight to what was apparently going through his mind in that moment.

If we believe this was really his thought process, the Jamie player had the worry that he’d lose the match if Crimson reacted to the Drive Impact.

But he talked himself into going for it in the heat of the moment thinking he could sneak it in, but the opposition was aware and waiting.

There’s obviously no telling what would have happened if Boltstrike went for a different reset or combo to knock down, so he can’t really be blamed for going for the win. His back was already against the wall needed that roundto stay in the set.

Sometimes these gambits work out and sometimes they don’t.

And sometimes the intrusive thoughts win.
