7 things we demand from Speaker John Lebo's State House of Assembly —De-Mandate Advocate

7 things we demand from Speaker John Lebo's State House of Assembly —De-Mandate Advocate

3 July 2017 
1. We Demand that the CRSHA should have a viable means of Disseminating information outside social media and private blogs. What is the website of the 8th CRSHA? 
2. Publish the Full List of Our State House Members and their Various Committees. 
3. Publish the account of their Stewardship since their inauguration. 
4. Periodically Publish house Proceedings and Deliberations for the Public to have access to.
5. List out The Number of Bills the State House have Passed into Laws that are Active. 
6. Issue Official Statement concerning the Recent Killings and state of the State. 
7. Mediate with Immediate effect between the Government and Labour Union in Cross River State to put an end to this elongated strike action caused by the Government.
#De-Mandate Advocate