We’re turning our attention yet again to the wise Broski (hot off his CPT 2024 World Warrior: UK-Ireland #3 win) as he shares with us five risky moves in Street Fighter 6 that tend to go unpunished.
Before we go any further, know there’s a decent chance you’ll come out of the lesson kicking yourself for allowing so many players to get away with the Street Fighter equivalent of highway robbery, but you’ll ultimately be better for it.
The first of these features Juri and is on the rather inconspicuous side as the maneuver in question tends to get hidden away in a string that ends up being safe once completed. The thing to remember, however, is that there’s a gap in the middle you can take advantage of.
When Juri has two stocks she can launch from a low forward into her go ohatsu and then continue into saihasho (this is when she performs two spin kicks and then proceeds into her low fireball) for a block string that leaves her at a safe -3.
If you try to interrupt between the two specials you’ll get hit as there’s a frame-trapping gap between them, but if you use an invincible reversal or an invincible Super here, you’ll get Juri every time. If she wises up to your tactics and only does the first move (go ohatsu) she leaves herself at an extremely punishable -12.
As long as the reversal or super you’re inputting has 12 frames or fewer of start up, there’s nothing Juri can do once she’s started the go ohatsu. It surely takes some visual getting used to to be able to identify this string in time to counter it, but once you do you’ll change the flow of every Juri match you play thereafter.
Broski continues on to share four more instances where characters tend to get away with debauchery, but you can put an end to that by watching the video and then going out and hitting those punishes like the learned Street Fighter 6 player you are.