Abang Ogon|24 March 2017
Perfect Correlation with Governor Ben Ayade's Dreams and Mission for CRS
Governor Ben Ayade promised to tackle poverty, according to him, as a son of a poor man, he knows how it feels to be poor and what it feels like to go to bed with an empty stomach. In spite of coming into office at a period when Nigeria's economy was and still is in comatose, job creation has been his watch word, he is on a hunt for investors to industrialise our state and improve economic activities in our dear state to put food on people's table, as a capacity builder he believes firmly in youth involment in governance, he is a new city developer, he is on a mission to set our old cities at almost equivalent with international cities, his dreams are not confined in a box, to him nothing is impossible.
As believers and beneficiaries of his gesture, the best we can do for him is to continue to pray for him and support his believe, we have considered the capacities and involvement of Barr. Paul Ishabor, as an investment promotion expert that played an active role in the conceptualisation and implementation of major business entry into CRS, we thus believe he can do more for Ogoja expecially when working under Governor Ayade who is a hunter of investor, a hater of poverty and a developer of capacities.
A Unifier and a Bridge Builder
As a team we identified the sharp political divide currently rocking our LGA, to put an end to this ugly scenario we decided to root for a candidate with a seaming perfect working relationship with all political gladiators, with his unbaise heart we believe he will build a bridge and put an end to politics of cartels that have eaten dip into our fabric as a society and make our leaders trivialise capacities on cartel bases over time. “THE REST OF US” are indeed at the receiving end.
Perfect Generational Link
We consider his age and related it with his attainments and involments, he was chapter treasurer of PDP Ogoja far back 2005, he therefore is not a strange face, even as a young person he has an outstanding working relationships with the older generation, we thus feel he can replicate Gov Ayade in the theory of building the youth and maintaining the elders.
His Capacities and Our Pressing Need
His capacity speaks volumes, at this piont of our existence when we are faced with untold hardship, when the federal allocation coming to our dear state is not even sufficient for recurrent expenditures, we truly don't need a spending machine, we need an experienced workaholic to go fishing outside the box, we sure need jobs, we needs investors to engage our youths, we need a change in the physical look of our dear LGA, it is a big dream to think the state government can do all this things for us, Paul Ishabor has what it takes to meet our pressing need.
Unless you are not perturbed about our ordeal. Unless you love to see Ogoja continue to keep her ancient looks.
Unless you enjoy the divide. Unless you love to see untapped potential. Unless you are not tired of the boys yearning at you “Oga show us love”. Unless you are not tired of receiving quantum messages and appleads for financial support.
In case you are, Think Paul Ishabor, if he engage the rest of us profitably, we will earn our own living. As a Team, we appeal to your conscience to give Paul Ishabor a chance.
Let's BIP Ogoja!
Abang A. Ogon
TEAM “The Rest of Us”