3rd Force in Support of Good Governance faults Policy Alert over criticism of C’River govt expenditure

3rd Force in Support of Good Governance faults Policy Alert over criticism of C’River govt expenditure

Administration and Accounting: An Essential prerequisite of Participatory Democracy.

On 4th of November 2023, a publication captioned “Policy Alert Chides Cross River State Government over Disbursement to the Office of staff, Neglect of key Sectors” appeared online, published by a news outlet called “The Investigator”.

The publishers of the article reviewed the third quarter expenditure of the Cross-River State Government led by His Excellency Prince Bassey Edet Otu and highlighted or made the following weighty allegations:

1. That the expenditure of the office of the Chief of Staff (COS) which is personal to the Governor is prioritized over key sectors of the state.

2. That other sectors, namely health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) humanity and social welfare had zero capital releases while office of COS had 25% of all funds released.

3. That spending 5.7bn for office of Chief of Staff out of 23.21bn disbursement is a red flag.

4. That in second quarter of 2023 (April to June 2023) “the office of COS spent 11.9bn”.

5. That contrary to campaign promises made by His Excellency Prince Bassey Edet Otu to reduce cost of governance, 16.09bn RECURRENT EXPENDITURE was made, which is 125 times higher than capital expenditure of 7.12bn for the period.

6. That as a result of five (5) above, human and infrastructure development was not prioritized by the current administration and

7. That Cross River State House of Assembly had zero funds released for personnel, overhead and Capital expenditure, within the quarter, hence a deliberate attempt to frustrate the oversight functions of this arm of government.

Ordinarily, a rebuttal to this publication wouldn’t have been necessary but in line with the transparency promised by His Excellency, Prince Bassey Edet Otu, we are compelled by objectivity and the desire to build a better Cross River State as follows:

1. That the period under review 3rd quarter which spans from July to September is the first of four crucial months in the tenure of a new administration, as appointments into
numerous offices are made by the Governor. The first of these appointments includes the appointment of the COS as well as the Secretary to Government. These two officers are essential hubs in the wheels of governance, as expenditure to kick start the government is generally channeled through them. Such expenditure includes purchase of official vehicles and renovation of offices as well as security and other key essential services.

2. It is manifest falsehood and gross distortion of facts for any rational person to state that parts of essential services like health, water and environmental sanitation, humanity
and social welfare were neglected and had zero allocation of funds. The State of Environmental sanitation in the entire state and in the state capital in particular, was in an indescribable state, as refuse heaps was almost taking over all public roads by the end of last administration. The situation warranted a declaration of a state of
emergency, and major investment in heavy duty equipment’s and trucks for refuse evacuation were purchased through the office of COS by the administration. Robust investment was also made in rural health care. Security as part of social services also
received a boost as the fight against kidnapping and Cultism has reduced this menacing activity to the minimum.

3. Above expenses are parts of the initial expenses incurred by the Government, in the 3rd Quarter under review as part of its social programme and consequently the classification of these services and expenditure incurred therein as red flag is

4. It is an absurd claim made in bad faith to highlight that “in the second quarter of 2023, this office (COS) spent 11.9 bn.” The current administration commenced from May 29th 2023, which ironically was the tail end of the second quarter. The current chief of
staff was appointed on 6th June 2023 and consequently, couldn’t have spent monies at a point where he was not in office. In retrospect, if 11.9bn was spent to wind up a government in the second quarter, ‘Governor Ayade’s tenure) an expenditure of 5.7bn
in the 3rd quarter, to felicitate future governance in a state, where social services were totally neglected, shows transparency and the desire to run a frugal government.

5. The allegations that human and infrastructure development was not prioritized in the 3rd quarter expenditure as recurrent expenditure gulped a whopping 16.09bn is   unfounded criticism premised on bias and ignorance of the meaning of this sub head. Recurrent expenditure from elementary knowledge of economics includes but isn’t limited to crucial areas of needs such as security, House of Assembly running cost, public debt servicing, personnel cost and emoluments, pensions and gratuity in all Arms of Government, as well as contingency and subvention. A review of 2023 budget passed by the immediate past government shows that personnel and overhead cost gulped 118.96bn while capital expenditure was 225. 75bn. 16.09bn spent in the 3rd quarter of this year is part of the fraction earlier budgeted by the Ayade led government for this
fiscal year.

6. Finally, “Policy Alert” called on the state Governor to explain why the State Assembly had Zero releases of funds for personnel, overhead and Capital expenditure and that this is an attempt by the Executive arm to frustrate oversight functions of this arm of
Government. For those of us who understand the intricacies involved in government administration, this call for explanation is not just frivolous but is an attempt to instigate the legislative arm of government and the populace against the current government.
The State House of Assembly cannot function for a day without appropriate funding as an arm of government. The Assembly from the 12th June 2023, when it was inaugurated has carried out its constitutional duties without interference from the executive arm. Of particular note, the Assembly had carried out the screening of
commissioners appointed by the Governor in August, held regular sitting to debate on issues of urgent public attention, facilitated the presentation of the 2024 budget estimates on 30th of Oct 2023 in line with state Law, Passed the Cross-River State Contributory Pensions Law and forwarded same to the Governor for his assent. Amongst a host of other legislative assignments, the Assembly had debated upon and approved a request by His Excellency Prince Bassey Edet Otu, for a loan of two billion naira to clear outstanding debt incurred by the last administration, for purchase of official vehicles and for an additional 2-billion-naira loan to purchase official vehicles for members of the Assembly and State Executive Council. These vehicles, the governor stated in the correspondence, is to facilitate official oversight functions of honorable members of the assembly.

From the foregoing detailed explanation, we conclude that it is an egregious abuse of the right of fair and constructive criticism for the Policy Alert to attempt to discredit the Current Government without proper research and interview with relevant government officials. The freedom of information Act has granted access to public documents that were hitherto classified. Prince Bassey Edet Otu’s leadership is one that is out to ensure accountability, objectivity and service delivery to our people.

Mr. Tom Johnson
Signed by
3rd Force in Support of Good Governance