27 horrifying stabs… this Ghostface Brutality in Mortal Kombat 1 is hard to watch all the way through

27 horrifying stabs... this Ghostface Brutality in Mortal Kombat 1 is hard to watch all the way through

Those who tend to watch and play Mortal Kombat are surely more likely to laugh at over the top violence and gore than to be put off by it, but even the most seasoned Kombat vets may find it hard to watch one of Mortal Kombat 1’s newest Brutality additions.

The big news in the NetherRealm right now is that DLC guest Ghostface is finally available in Mortal Kombat 1, and players are excitedly exploring the Woodsboro killer here on his first day in MK1. We’ve found a few of his Brutalities posted about X, one of which is called “A Bit Mad,” and sees the victim stabbed an unholy 27 times in rapid succession.

Our first viewing of A Bit Mad sent us through a range of emotions. The excitement of unexpectedly triggering a Brutality is always fun, and seeing Sub-Zero get stabbed a good 10 or so times in the torso still kept us in that “violence is fun when it’s in MK” zone.

When the stab count continued on, however, and reached 15, then 20, then 25, and finally made it to a whopping 27 count, laughs and smiles admittedly turned to frowns of uncertain disgust and thoughts of human depravity.

This sequence is so visceral (perhaps in more than one sense of the term) and truly puts the “brutal” in Brutality. There are so many of these sudden kill sequences in Mortal Kombat now that it’s hard to say that this one stands out above all others as the most painful to watch, but it’s definitely up there with the worst (and we mean that in a good way… we think) of them.:

For comparison’s sake (and because we’re excited to share all the new Ghostface content we can) here are three other Brutalities from the character shared by MK Addict on X. They too involve plenty of stabbing and blood spurts, but neither come close (in our humble opinion) to the first on the “gut wrenching” scale:

For more recently unveiled details regarding the new DLC roster member, be sure to check out Ghostface’s alternate costumes and mask gear as well as his unmasked face.
