2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

21st Century Wire SPECIAL

Looking forward into the New Year, here are some predictions and trends to keep an eye out for.

This past year saw plenty of unthinkable events. As the elite establishment struggle to keep pace with the great awakening, many of their corrupt schemes and propaganda operations are intensifying. Think of it as a race to capture the world’s collective consciousness – in order to manufacture consent for what’s coming.

As the propaganda noise increases, the natural tendency is for people to want to switch off. And who can blame them – social media has created unbearable levels of digital static which has warped the information space beyond recognition, and leaving many people despondent in the process.

In order to help you make sense of what is unfolding, each year we try and identify a number of breaking trends and global developments. Things are happening fast, so we try to make general observations about trends that are already in motion from the previous years – including a few new trends and events which we believe may manifest in the coming twelve months. While some trends may take a years to develop, while other can happen in a matter of months. On more than a few occasions, our predictions have ended up becoming major stories later that year.

One thing is for sure this new years: events are now cascading towards a planetary upheaval. Here’s what we see happening…

First off, there are a number of existing trends permeating through into the new year. These include: the terminal decline of the woke ideologies as the insurgent cultural Zeitgeist in the West, America’s clear hard-right turn with the election of Donald Trump, the ascendancy of disruptive A.I. technologies entering into a new and lucrative phase led by firms such as Nvidia (NVDA), Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM), Teradyne (TER), ASML Holding N.V. (ASML), and Pegasystems Inc (PEGA) and others – all assuming a prime position in investment portfolios. Another one to watch is low-cost ‘telemedicine’ and Amazon Healthcare which are set to grow rapidly in 2025. In terms of tech adoption, also look out for the next-level reactionary responses like the emerging Neo-Luddite movement – fusing with a growing global ‘off-grid’ community looking for truly sustainable option to the current tech-obsessed globalist world order headed by technocrats Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Gates and the Davos set. 2025 will the Neo-Luddites grow in numbers, and unplugging from the matrix, as they seek to re-appropriate technology as an accessory, staying harmony with real life – quality of life over convenience. Over on the geopolitical front, the wars will continue to rage on, and as a result of this, refugee flows will maintain a steady clips from the poor Global South into the rich Northern Hemisphere. On the virology front, watch the Establishment go into overdrive trying to push the idea of a “Deadly Bird Flu” or Novovirus, or even wild tales of some new superbug making the evolutionary leap from pets to humans – anything to kickstart their disaster economy which has hit the skids since the total collapse of their over-leveraged global ‘vaccine’ empire in 2023. Luckily, 21WIRE readers have already been inoculated again the virology fearmongering. Also, back on the political front, much has been made of “DOGE”, the supposed Department of Government Efficiency meant to be headed by Elon Musk, and Vivek Ramaswamy. But it’s very likely that you won’t be hearing as much about DOGE (beyond the colourful memes on X) in 6 months time. Once the hype dies down, and reality sets in, people will soon realise that it’s not an actually department, but rather a nongovernmental committee that will issue mere recommendations after a two year inquiry period. At that point, either Vivek or Elon (or both) will have moved on from the Shiba Inu memes in order to engage in more productive activities.

SEE ALSO: YEAR IN REVIEW: 2024 Top Ten (Real) Conspiracies

So here it is – a snapshot of some of what we see coming down the pipeline (no pun intended) in 2025.


2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
Trump’s War on ISIS (and ‘radical Islam’) – One thing is absolutely clear from the latter months of 2024: the collapse of the Assad government in Syria – replaced by an al-Qaeda-led, authoritarian Islamic junta, will become the catalyst for a multi-front, hyper-sectarian civil war. The chief objective for the new external managers of Syria, namely Washington, Tel Aviv and Ankara, is to balkanize the country into ethnic and religious enclaves in order to further weaken, privatise and steal its resources, and maintain it as a weak, inert regional entity. Part of that perfect storm will include a relaunch of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. All-too convenient ‘terror’ events like the recent alleged “ISIS” attack in New Orleans could easily be used by Washington to re-up the NDAA Authorization of Military Force as the legal fig leaf to relaunch the ‘the fight against ISIS’ (cue the FOX News graphics) and thus increase the U.S. military footprint in Syria and Iraq. Why this is important is because it is through the existence of ISIS which the United States has justified its illegal occupation of northeastern Syria, and their increasingly unpopular presence in Iraq. Both of those problems can be solved by an increased level of ISIS/al-Qaeda related activity in the Levant, as well as more random “ISIS inspired” attacks on American and European soil. In this way, the U.S. deep state and military industrial complex is effectively teeing-up the ball for an incoming Trump Administration in 2025. Past projects like “Fighting ISIS” and taking on “radical Islamic terror” can be quickly rebooted, allowing the American mainstream media and politicians alike to continue where they left off in 2018, and with so much rumination surrounding failed wars in Ukraine and the horror of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, dealing with ISIS or one of its offshoots (there will be spin-off brands for sure, as CNN and other US outlet thrive off exciting news start-up brands) seen as ‘fighting the good fight’. For the U.S. military establishment, it helps to reinvigorate previously lapsed Neocon worldview frameworks, and allows Beltway warmongers and think tanks to re-codify previously defunct foreign policy portfolios. For the U.S. establishment, Trump is the perfect vehicle for expanding wars in the wider Middle East, and preparing for a major preemptive strike against the biggest threat to US and Israeli hegemony in the region – the Islamic Republic of Iran. Almost certainly, Trump will use this new escalation in the Middle East to work with Israel to promote the idea that Ansar Allah (aka ‘The Houthis’) are a dangerous Iranian proxy, and therefore US/Israel-led coalition of the willing must now increase the bombing of Yemen in order to subjugate any regional dissent there. But that’s easier said than done, as the Yemenis have shown incredible resilience since the US and its ‘local enforcers’ Saudi Arabia and UAE began their undeclared war of aggression on Yemen in 2015. It’s incredible to think that Yemen, one of the world’s poorest countries, could end up being the straw that breaks the imerial camel’s back.

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
Ukraine: busted flush – The CIA, George Soros and the EU suffered a massive setback when they failed to overthrow the democratically elected government in Georgia. They hoped this would open up a new pressure front on Russia’s border, but it seems Kiev is on its own, stuck playing a losing gambit on behalf of NATO and the collective West. Zelensky and his handlers in Washington and London painted themselves into a real corner Ukraine by launching missile attacks on targets deep inside Russia. However, they may have succeeded in preventing any quick ceasefire negotiation once Trump enters the White House. Dictator and western puppet Zelensky will have to hold elections by summer, or he’ll be ousted in a western-backed coup d’etat, and he’ll be forced to flee to London or Miami. Russia’s military position is now dominant in Donbass, Crimea, and over Ukraine, and Moscow has already signaled it will not make serious negotiations with Kiev until after elections – which means that Russia, not the U.S., now holds all the major cards for Ukraine, which means that Trump’s ‘Art of the Deal’ may be entering negotiations with a severely weak hand, and will be forced to either sandbag talks to buy for time, or submit to Russia’s terms and then somehow try and spin it as a ‘win’ for the U.S. and NATO. However, the longer the U.S. and Zelensky play games, the more territory Kiev stands to lose, including Kharkiv and Odessa, the latter of which spells game over for NATO’s southern flank. Still, crazed U.S. and British war hawks are determined to force Europe into a major military, or even nuclear confrontation with Russia. This will certainly drive a new arms race, pushing Europe further into debt with Washington insisting on the full re-militarization of Europe, and the new Cold War line of contact from Finland, down to Poland, and finally to Romania.

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
Pivot to Scandinavia? – The U.S. and NATO are currently repositioning their assets and investments into Scandinavia, which will become the most important frontline in the new Cold War between east and west. The United States are currently constructing no less than 47 new military bases across Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark – making this the most heavily concentrated overseas U.S. military presence in the world. Therefore, it’s no surprise that this year’s Bilderberg Meeting will be taking place somewhere around Stockholm, Sweden. Also, the newly appointed head of Bilderberg is none other than former NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg. The also signals that Sweden’s Walenberg family and their corporate behemoth Investor AB (including Ericsson Communications) will be playing a more visible role on Bilderberg’s top transatlantic steering committees. This also means that The Barents Sea, the gateway to the Arctic Ocean, located off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia, will now become a major geopolitical flashpoint. This has massive implications for the future of global shipping lanes, but also for Europe’s future energy matrix which will look north to provide a steadily increasing supply of natural gas, along with blue and green hydrogen. Here we can see how the U.S. has cleverly used the ‘Russian threat’ combined with the green energy agenda in order to rope Europe into the geopolitical equivalent of a gordian knot. The Nord Stream Sabotage has bared the exit doors of energy independence for Europe, while simultaneously rescuing a flagging U.S. LNG gas market, selling Europeans wildly expensive fracked American gas shipped all the way across the Atlantic (not very green), but forbidding Europe to buy more affordable and reliable Russian natural gas via pipeline. And if that’s not enough, Washington and London insist that Europe should be ready to go to war with Russia in order to maintain this protection racket. to Most Europeans haven’t yet worked this out, but eventually they will. For instance, it the AfD Party manage to take power in Germany this year, then all of this may become a subject of intense debate. Watch this space.

Lebanese Civil War? – In addition to a civil war in Syria, Washington and Tel Aviv are also hoping to foment sectarian strife and another ugly civil war in neighboring Lebanon. It’s no secret that Washington, at the behest of Tel Aviv – would like to see Hezbollah completely cleansed from the region as a political and military actor. The question is: how far down the road to hell are they will to drag Lebanon in order to achieve that objective? The U.S. and its partner have already instigated an economic collapse in Lebanon from 2019, in the hopes of creating political hot house that could destabilise the country politically. With the economy wrecked, the next step will be to throw additional salt on old sectarian wounds – setting Christians and Sunnis against Shias and turn up the heart on Hezbollah. Additional pressure from Islamist extremists encroaching from Syria, and Israel pressuring from the south – and Washington and Tel Aviv may get the sectarian cauldron they’ve been hoping for.

In brief: other geopolitical flashpoints and potential black swans…

Nord Stream solved– the question of who done it’ will be solved this year, and it will be a major knock to NATO and US.
Drones – After seeing the Ukraine theatre, major militaries are now shifting to drone and electronic warfare. This is now the future of warfare.
China vs Taiwan – Trump & Co. want good trade relations, but increased military tensions (to feed the MIC), something must give.
BRICS – Despite major setback with Syria, the network will continue to grow, and will be weighing in on geopolitics more.
Belarus – With elections coming in Minsk, look to NATO to foment political unrest, or a Polish or Ukrainian military provocation.
Jordan civil war – Jordanian royal family is now at its lowest after aiding and abetting Israel in its genocide. Will US and UK change the regime?
Egypt civil war – Arab Spring talking points and color mobs are now being revved-up in Egypt. But Sisi has been good to Israel. We’ll see…
Yemen civil war
 – Ansar Allah (aka The Houthis) and Western/Gulf proxies in south could fight, but also a possible reunification?
Somalia – Western war planners’ eyes are on Somalia, in the hopes of breaking it into small pieces and stealing its oil. Watch this space.
Armenia-Azerbaijan – With wind at its back after toppling Assad, will Turkey re-inflaming tensions?
Sudan civil war – increased instability, with the western aim of driving Russia and China out for good?
Egypt vs Ethiopia – tensions may increase over Nile river water issues.
Serbia vs Kosovo – NATO is keen to weaken Serbia by pushing Kosovo button, but Republika Srpska issue is also back on the table.
Venezuela vs Guyana – Washington was unsuccessful in to pitting Colombia against Venezuela, but Guyana could give them the opening they need.
Pakistan instability – Slow-moving train wreck, its anti-Imperialist populist hero, Imran Khan, in jail. US wants them away from China and Russia.


2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
2025: All About the Economy – When it comes to uncanny prophecies, few can match the sterling record posted by the American satirical cartoon classic, The Simpsons. In 2000, there was an episode entitled, “Bart to the Future”, which predicted a massive economy collapse occurring under President Trump. As with the notorious quatrains of Nostradamus, there are sometimes a number of different interpretations, depending on which timeline you are looking at. By now, everyone knows that the U.S. national debt is now more than $36 trillion, and possibly much higher when you count unfunded liabilities like social security and pensions. Of course, one could certainly make the argument that an epic economic upheaval had already happened during Trump’s first term in the wake of the Covid-19 debacle in 2020 – a calamity which compelled the U.S. Federal Reserve to initially put some $3.1 trillion dollars (printed out of thin air, of course) on to the Fed’s already bloated balance sheet. Presumably, this was to fund all the genius unproductive activities mandated during the lockdowns, like paying people to stay home, paying businesses to shutdown, paying for all the gratis masks, PPE, and wonder jabs, as well as paying for our loving government and the Fed to buy up favored securities and stocks in order to artificially pump-up the markets. Happy days for Wall Street, but a total financial Armageddon for main street. The economic impact from all of these emergency measures has been devastating. By the time Joe Biden added his own largess, the total amount printed by the Fed was upwards of $8 trillion in funny money – all to ‘save America’ and its supposed resilient economy from a so-called ‘pandemic’. Here is where The Simpsons could end up getting this right, twice. All of that Fed money and debt triggered an inflationary cycle which really kicked in over the last 18 months in America, as well as in Europe, and other global regions too. the scene is now set for 2008 redux. Despite strategic legislation by the Federal government, such as passing the Biden administration’s Orwellian-sounding “Inflation Reduction Act”, which ironically, many now admit will continue driving-up inflation. Go figure. This is exactly what seem to be happening now, and the markets will react accordingly. Trump likes Wall Street, and Wall Street likes Trump. No qualms there. But it would be wise to enter 2025 with our eyes wide open: Trump is already signaling he wants to open the Fed’s financial morphine drip and ask for another interest rate cut during his first one hundred days in office – a bold move which could easily compound the problem at hand. As deficit spending continues to climb, and national debt reaches stratospheric levels, every incoming U.S. President will face a compounding problem to which there is no painless solution – and in America, it’s political suicide to announce any austerity measures in order to try and fix it. Dammed if don’t, but even more damed if you do. This is exactly the dilemma Trump finds himself in, and he will most likely do what every president has done before him: create a distraction and kick the can down the road. But America hasn’t seen annual inflation like this for half a century, ergo, the system is now more volatile than ever. How this impending crisis is managed will determine where The Simpsons are still preeminent seer of the young 21st century.

Speaking of economic turmoil, you all remember the subprime housing crisis of 2008, and the subsequent banking crash? Prudent financial pundits and sound money advocates have been asking whether or not the fundamental changes and reforms have been introduced in order to prevent such madness from over occurring again. Here we must cast our minds back to 1999, in the twilight of Bill Clinton’s second term, where he performed one final act of treachery on behalf of the Masters of the Universe in Wall Street and the City of London – by removing the last remaining firewall between speculative investment banking and main street retail banking – the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, by now acknowledged by many experts as a primary cause of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. It might come as a shock to learn that this flaw in the system has never been repaired, and worse – that a new speculative bubble has been gradually inflating behind the scenes and is preparing to pop at any moment. Gerald Celente, founder of Trends Journal, is calling this next impending tsunami the “Office Building Bust.” Commercial property vacancy rates have hit historic highs, as high streets in America, as well as in the UK and western Europe, are fast resembling ghost town. Properties in downtown Manhattan that only a few years sold for over $300 million, are now being flogged at auction for $8.5 million. And it just so happens that in 2025, somewhere between $2-4 trillion in commercial real estate debt is coming due, and (surprise, surprise) the banks don’t have the money to cover the losses – which will surely crash the markets. Sounds familiar? As Celente warned during a recent appearance on our Sunday Wire Show, final trigger may come sooner than later:

“Will he (Trump) lower interest rates to keep jacking-up the economy? Let’s go back to 2018 in December, where the NASDAQ was down 9 percent, the S&P and Dow was down 10 percent. It was the worst December since the Great Depression in 1931. What did Trump do? He forced the Fed head, Jerome Powell, to lower interest rates. What happened? Oh, the repo crisis…”

Celente is referring to repurchase or Repo Markets – where banks lend and borrow money, albeit on a short-term basis. That spike in repo interest rates in September 2019 was the result of a perfect storm: low levels of reserves, too many Treasury issuances and junk bonds – arguably, all fueled by too much cheap money in the system. And what did the Fed do in response? In injected tens of billions more of reserves into the markets, which naturally contributed to even more inflation. The same could happen in 2025, but on a much wider scale. To be sure, the impending “Office Building Bust” could cause some banks to go bust, which will ultimately require… wait for it…. another Federal banker bailout. Good for Wall Street, but not for the working plebs. That will fuel more inflation, as the real economy keeps spiraling further and further downward. Suffice to say, if this happens again, the tectonic tremours could seriously destabilise large sections of the global economy. Here you can expect the value of the dollar to drop, which will push gold up, and silver too, as well as the price of oil. 2024 saw a record run for gold which rocked the markets, but what could unfold in the next 12 months may overshadow those historic gains. Everyone will be looking for ways to hedge against the dollar, and inflation. That means we may also see yet another bull run with Bitcoin – which already saw a 43 percent jump immediately after Trump was elected on November 5, 2024, pushing it to historic highs just under $100,000 per Bitcoin. Regulatory issues are set to look much better under Trump. Add to this, the fact that major institutions like Blackrock have tied their ETFs (exchange-traded funds) to Bitcoin, and it’s no surprise that many bullish crypto investors believe it’s best days are still ahead.

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
BRICS vs The Dollar

All of this is could spell more bad news for the U.S. dollar, which is also the world’s reserve currency. But that status is being somewhat challenged. In 2024 at the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, an alliance of disgruntled nations who are tried of being bullied and attacked by the United States through punitive sanctions and asset seizures (like Russia, who had order $320 billion in U.S. dollar reserves stolen by Washington and Brussels ‘on behalf of Ukraine’, we are told), announced that they have already begun the process of launching a new financial and monetary platform to both bypass and compete with the U.S. dollar. In late November, Trump fired out his initial salvo against the BRICS, warning that he will unleash financial warfare if BRICS continues down this road of financial and geopolitical independence. He stated on Truth Social:

“The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar while we stand by and watch is OVER. We require a commitment from these Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another “sucker!” There is no chance that the BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, and any Country that tries should wave goodbye to America.”

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon

The message could not be any clearer: prepare for war.

Without being too hyperbolic, it’s important to understand how all previous world wars have been preceded by economic warfare between rival power blocs, often initiated by a desperate, belligerent hegemon, amid a declining phase of empire. Trump’s petulant outburst does sound quite desperate indeed. At the very least, it’s not becoming of a U.S. President, during any era. But if he seeks to gain the respect of other world leaders, Trump must at least acknowledge the sheer amount of damage that the United States has done to other countries by weaponizing the dollar through sanctions in order to purposefully destroy the economies of other countries – all of whom did absolutely nothing to America, other than elect a government Washington doesn’t like, or failed to privatise its key industries.

So the question remains: will Trump and his braintrust be smart (dare I say wise) enough to recognise that many nations have a perfectly legitimate reason to sidestep the U.S. dollar so as to avoid having their money and property stolen by Washington? That said, there would be no BRICS if Washington and its allies weren’t so intent on maintaining a cartel by coercion and force. It’s not rocket science, right Elon?  The lesson we should have learned by now: sanctions are a patent failure. By the looks of it, that lesson has yet to be learned, yet. Any fool could see it. Except for the fools in Washington.

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
Trump Tariff Wars and EU Anxiety – U.S. worries about the rise of BRICS plays into threats from the incoming Trump administration of unleashing protectionist tariff wars against foreign imports, an economic conflagration that would spare no one, with allies and enemies all bearing the brunt of Trump’s Smoot-Hawley hammer. Europe is predictably nervous about the coming trade wars, as the eurozone is still struggling to recover from it’s NATO-inflicted energy crisis triggered by U.S.-led sanctions against Russian energy, and the devastating Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. Europe may find themself in the same boat as America – with interest rates continuing to fall, while simultaneously trying to tackle inflation, and suffering from inevitable weak economic growth (Europe is now resigned to just north of a  ‘zero growth’ future). All of that would be exacerbated by heavy U.S. trade tariffs. However, all things considered, it’s almost certain that a recession is on cards for Europe.

It’s pretty clear that Washington’s larger agenda is that of de-globalization and trying to reconfigure global supply chains for key industry manufacturing sectors to eventually become exclusively ‘home-grown’. This includes the consolidation of natural resources, rare earth minerals – including some of Canada’s endowment (hence, talk of Canada as a “51st State” over the Christmas period), and also human capital (hence, the H1-B visa debate over Christmas). But all of this will come at a price to global economy. From a broader geostrategic viewpoint, this looks very similar to preparation for an upcoming world war, where the United States and the collective West will be directly confronting emerging powers like China, and Russia – a conflagration where Fortress America lifts its drawbridges in order to wait-out the devastation of an international bonfire. More clues are emerging which point to this conclusion, all of which should really be of great concern for everyone on the planet.

The Persistence of Multipolarity – One trend which continues to advance forward is the progression of a multipolar world. BRICS is just one expression of this inevitable development in planetary affairs. For the former unipolar hegemon, this new reality is causing untold problems in maintaining total dominion over the international system. Much of desperation we see in western the foreign policy maneuvers and unhinged protectionist U.S. tariff wars – is a ham-fisted attempt to stave off the unavoidable drift towards multipolarism…

Thus, America’s attempt to reconfigure global supply chains in order control raw materials and resources, sanction both their enemies and the allies – in order to somehow cut-off China and Russia from accessing those same resources, is a chronic symptom of late-stage empire. The U,S., UK and EU are attempting this incredible feat at the very time when their own industries have been hollowed-out by 40 years of Wall Street and City of London asset-stripping and offshoring labour in order to bolster quarterly earnings and shareholder dividends. As a result, western industry is no longer competitive and domestic wages and cost of living indexes are way to high to pretend these will behave like emerging ‘tiger’ economies. The geopolitical and economic center of gravity is drifting eastward and towards the global south, which is evidenced by the increased growth and the steady flow of direct foreign investment into Asia and Latin America, soon to be joined by Africa. In other words: no matter how much the U.S. and its allies try, four decades of globalisation cannot be reverse engineered over night. For this reason, the U.S. and its western cohort will struggle with their plans to balkanise the global economy and then game it in their favor. The risk here is that their desperation and continued weaponisation of the dollar may result in forcing target nations to strike back at the empire. Certainly, this is what Japan believed it had to do in 1941 when it struck the U.S. fleet in Pearl Harbor. There is a real danger of history repeating itself…

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
– Matthew 24:6-13 (King James version)

The signs are worrying. When looking at America’s obvious retrenching and de-globalisation phase, it’s important for people to recognize that this strategy is a radical departure from the post-World War II, U.S.-led liberal internationalist world order, and also means a complete reorganisation of the American system which has exerted effective control over Europe and the Pacific rim regions for the last 80 years. If we really look closely, we can see that this process has been in the works for quite some time, with the introduction of what the globalists called the “Rules-based International Order”, which really means a Hobbesian state of nature, where the strongest state actors can dictate what the rules are depending on any given situation. In that sense, the rules-based international order is a zro sum game – a return to pure power politics, and replacement for the institution of long-agreed upon international laws and treaties. This used to represent the 20th century post-war ‘peace dividend’ which provided a necessary veneer of order and stability in the international system during a very tense, bipolar Cold War era, where the threat of nuclear annihilation was lingering over the world like some galactic-level Sword of Damocles. This also included a raft of bilateral treaties and arms control agreements held between the United States, its allies, and the Soviet Union. All of that has now been rolled back, which leaves us exposed to the laws of nominal chaos and unintended consequences. This is why the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists began last year by setting the Doomsday Clock at the record narrow margin of just 90 seconds to midnight.

At present there are two main ‘nuclear threat’ theatres at play: Ukraine and the Middle East. Contrary to what many think, these two situations are highly interconnected. While most of the overt nuclear sabre rattling is happening between Russia and NATO, with Ukraine wedged in between, there is perhaps a stronger underlying nuclear current in the Middle East. It’s clear that the incoming Trump administration has secured a mandate to wind-down NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and bring some stability to that dangerous situation. Another strong motivator is that potential conflict’s proximity to the European centre of finance and trade – something the Atlanticist power-bloc would prefer to avoid at all costs, as it could jeopardise their own standing in the world going forward. While all indications point to a lowering of tensions over Ukraine, with fanatical European leaders like the warmongering coven of Ursula von der Leyen, Annalena Baerbock, and Kaja Kallas, and the new unhinged technocrat running NATO, Dutch politician Mark Rutte – the potential for escalation and further hostilities is still very much in play.

However, this same concern is seems more remote when it comes to war-gaming a US-Israeli joint pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran. The danger here is that we have a Trump presidency which is now, more than ever, completely beholden to Israeli interests – not least of all after securing a $100 million campaign donation from mega donor and billionaire heiress, Miriam Adelson. In mafia terms, The Lobby made an offer he could not refuse. Thus, Israel is expecting big things from Trump, and he will be compelled to deliver, bigly. After receiving multiple bloody noses from Iranian missile salvos, it’s almost certain that Israel will be expecting the U.S. to either ‘green light’ or lead a major military action against Iran in order to neutralise Tehran as a potential challenger to Israeli hegemony in the region. That kinetic action could very well be a nuclear one. The pretext for this would be a number of scenarios ranging from some mysterious “Israeli intel leak” exposing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, or exotic ‘Iranian terror plot’ or an ‘Iranian assassination plot’ supposedly taking place on U.S. soil – any one of which would set the American war machine into motion. There is a tried and true tradition in America of fake WMD ‘intelligence’ and a false flag attacks, which are then followed-up with a barrage of MSM propaganda, culminating in a major military operation. This has definitely happened before, and it can happen again. All the reason for the new intelligensia in the infowar to be especially vigilant in 2025.

It very possible that any major war involving Iran will not be without losses for the US and Israel. For starters, all U.S. bases in the Middle East will be targets of Iranian hypersonic missiles, including the 5th Fleet in Bahrain, its facilities in Qatar, Iraq, and Syria. For Iran’s part, they have already shown their incredible military capability in strikes against Israel, but also incredible restraint when it comes to responding to repeated Israeli and U.S. provocations. Its pragmatism and restraint will not go unrewarded either, as history shows other powerful states will regard these traits as those of a rational, or normative state actor. The history of international relations teaches us that over the long term, the international system tends to bend in favour of normative state actors. This means that other neighbouring countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia, will likely favour a predictable and rational Iran over a wildly unhinged and irrational Israel. This also means that a strong Iran can do a lot to stabilise the region. This reality will also factor into U.S. decision making when it comes to weighing-up a ‘preemptive’ military strike on Iran. The hope is that cooler, rational heads prevail. But judging by the sheer number of Neocon warhawks and Zionists included in Trump initial cabinet picks, finding the rational decision makers in Washington may be tricky.

It’s important to note here that one of the problematic outcomes of the first Trump administration who, at the insistence of Benjamin Netanyahu, unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA Iran Nuclear Deal in May of 2018, was that it removed the guard rails that were previously in place to prevent Iran from reaching levels of enriched uranium needed to develop nuclear weapons. As a result, Iran has become what is known as a “nuclear threshold” state, meaning that it now has the capability to cross the nuclear arms threshold in a very short space of time, even as little as a few months, should the government in Tehran feel it is necessary to demonstrate nuclear deterrence for its own national security. So the very thing which the international community, led by the Obama administration (arguably, one of the few useful things Obama managed to do over eight years), embarked upon to prevent a nuclear Iran – was intentionally undone by Trump who once again, is now touting an over-the-top, hawkish stance towards Tehran. It’s almost as if this impasse was engineered in order to bring the region, and the world, to the brink of war. Geopolitical analyst Brian Berletic from The New Atlas explains why this might indeed be the case:

US claims of not wanting Israel to strike Iranian nuclear sites is verbatim the 2009 Brookings “Which Path to Persia?” strategy of maintaining plausible deniability while, in fact, attacking Iran including its nuclear sites… The paper stated: “As in the case of American airstrikes against Iran, the goal of this policy option would be to destroy key Iranian nuclear facilities in the hope that doing so would significantly delay Iran’s acquisition of an indigenous nuclear weapons capability. However, in this case, an added element could be that the United States would encourage and perhaps even assist the Israelis in conducting the strikes themselves, in the expectation that both international criticism and Iranian retaliation would be deflected away from the United States and onto Israel.” One should also ask themselves what the US has actually done, as it claims to seek peace and restraint, to prevent rather than fully enable Israel’s escalations.

Up to this point, everything which Berletic has explained has happened, and any remaining outcomes seem to be plausibly leaning towards his prescient analysis. The X factor in all of this will be whether or not a Trump administration airs on the side of caution, or goes into full-on Neocon World War III mode. That will be one to watch closely if this story continues to develop towards a confrontation.

If that weren’t enough to think about, then there’s the Taiwan question. For the gaggle of hawks in Trump’s nest, 2025 is all about “China!” 

Cyberwar Between China and U.S. – Back in March, both the US and UK formally accused China of carrying out a massive ‘cyber espionage’ campaign which allegedly affected millions of people, including government workers, lawmakers, journalists, and defence contractors. In response, the two countries then imposed sanctions on a Chinese company they blamed for the alleged incident. The problem with cyber claims is that it’s all very opaque, and could quite easily be a Five Eyes or western deep state operation as 21WIRE was first to discover back in 2016 with the fake “Russian Hack of the DNC” which spurred on the long-running Russiagate hoax. Just like clockwork, on New Years Eve, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that it was blaming China for breaching its network and gaining access to information which included unclassified documents. Beijing then denied the allegation, calling it “groundless”. And so it begins. This sort of exchange could go back and forth over the coming four years, but what is certain is that sanctions or trade restrictions will be imposed by the U.S. as retaliation for any alleged cyber attack by China. Again, economic warfare is a prelude to a military confrontation.

2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon
CHART: Secure World Foundation annual report on global counter-space technologies.

Space – The New Battlefield – According to a 2021 report by the Congressional Research Service, the U.S. has been positioning itself to regard outer space as the main battlefield of great power competition – with China and Russia being the main adversaries in that potential conflict. Top of the list in this department are various anti-satellite technologies which could threaten the U.S. and its allies’ orbital assets which manage things like GPS, drone, missile and fighter jet guidance, tracking enemy movements, troop intelligence on the ground, for starters. More and more, modern militaries like the U.S. and Israel are reliant on satellites in order to perform in overseas military theatres. Knocking out U.S. eyes in the sky would render America completely blind and helpless. This also brings Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Starlink operations into the frame as well, both of who fall squarely into the ‘dual use’ (civilian and military) category. As it turns out, both Russia and China have made significant strides in developing their own space-based electronic warfare capabilities which can disrupt or disable enemy satellites – including things like electronic jamming and even directed energy weapons which utilise technologies like lasers or microwaves. Iran has also made major strides in these areas. If the United States and NATO believe they will be exerting full-spectrum dominance in all domains of warfare, then think again: the playfield is much more level now than it was even a decade ago.

TKO for Paris Climate Accords – One thing which looks pretty certain is that Trump will once again pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accords, which does not bode well for the Big Green Gravy Train. This is bad news for those who have staked their green portfolios on businesses that reply on ‘green’ federal subsidies and tax breaks. Many wealthy Democrat donors will be scrambling to relocate their millions into other more promising investments. This might also be the death knell for the Green News Deal. This does not mean the green economy is dead; Europe and Canada are very much committed to ‘tackling climate change’ (whatever that means), but it does mean that this agenda and the Al Gore and Greta urgency narrative is no longer in the ascendancy. This will also mean a shift in the Davos agenda – away from the economically unsustainable ‘Net Zero’ agenda, and more towards the energy intensive A.I. and Fourth Industrial Revolution robot-driven economy. Which then brings us back to BIS and its UBI and CBDC agenda, and with that – back to the technocracy agenda. It seems inescapable now. And that’s probably an appropriate note to end on…

So there it is – 2025, boldly going where no man has gone before. Best of luck!




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2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned tuned…


2025 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE | The Liberty Beacon


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