2017 Prophesies of Bishop Dr. Emmah Isong General Overseer of Christian Central Chapel International CCCI

2017 Prophesies of Bishop Dr. Emmah Isong General Overseer of Christian Central Chapel International CCCI
Isong addressing the press during his 2016 birthday celebration 
Ndoma Richard|4 January 2017
Bishop Dr. Emmah Gospel Isong is a financial expert by training and General Overseer of Christian Central Chapel International CCCI Calabar. Isong’s yearly prophecies had come to live with the times. In 2013 he prophesied that there was going to be a hand washing culture and behold this came to pass where the world were asked to wash their hands to avert being infested with Ebola virus.
2017 shall be better than 2016, by the grace of God 7 means perfection, a day of rest, a day of completion of the work of God in your life and family and business, it means the presence of God when you have been flat to zero, he will lift you to mirror. The ‘1’ is the number of God, I am the only one don’t divide me, and 7 is the number of perfection. 2017 shall be a year of recovery of all that you have lost in the past. For those of you that clean and sweep the church, the Lord said it is a year of reward.
He said I shall reward you. The Lord said you will be set on a hill in a city that shall not be hid. And in 2017, all those who had been crying, shall be comforted. There’s someone here who had been sick, the Lord said prepare water melon, slice it like bread and eat or crush and drink with your family after praying over it at the end of it you shall be healed according Exodus chapter 23 verse 25.
Dry cleaning business and fast food business will give you money this year, another thing that will give you money is to learn another language than English language, for this will make you richer than your mates. Just learn one more international language than the English you are speaking now. For instance, French.
Purple and Gold, will bring you favour this year.
South Africa shall be in tumult, anti government riots and continous restiveness. Nigeria pray for Oyo State in 2017, they will go through some inexplicable crises. Pray for these cities in Cross River and Akwa Ibom. Abak, Ibeno in Akwa Ibom, the entire of Ejagham land and villages and Yakurr villages because of communal crises. The brain creation and installation of the memories of Pope John Paul shall be emphasied for his legal fee in 2017.
There shall also be shocking revelations and attack on the business of the Billionaire Alhaji Aliyu Dangote and his companies in 2017.
Financial Sector:
Banks shall continue to go through crises, suffer set back. Pray because there shall be a set back of loss of confidence on the part of customers in 2017. Of course, I saw long queque and locking of the gate. Put your faith in God and not in the banks. If you are working in the bank why not work with wisdom?

Power Sector:
Terrible discoveries and recovery in the power sector especially NEPA. Terrible skeleton from the cupboard on the sector will be revamped and restored.
Nigeria shall excel in sports especially in the competitions that has to do with tennis tournaments apart from other sports.
Soccer competition will take place in Calabar that will attract a huge crowd to Calabar that will look like that of a carnival and it will attract revenue to the state.
Antigraft War:
2017 shall be a year of continous probes and panels of enquiries and many will forfeit their jobs, several heads of governments, departments and parastatals shall be sacked due to corruption charges this year. Federal government shall dedicate huge time and resources to building.
Military Bilateral Relations:
The Nigerian Army in 2017 will collaborate with foreign friends with Brazil and other parts of South America.
Nigeria Farmers will have a boost. There will be shortage of amenities and seedlings in 2017. In 2017, farmers shall rejoice.
There will be free and continous medical exploits in the area of eye surgeries and eye help.
Top calibres of society women shall be undergoing dangerous health attack and surgeries but the people that say amen, it shall not be your portion.
The nation’s health sector shall be revived. There shall be revival of Nigeria health sector, evaluation and ratings of hospitals and clinics. Some clinics and hospitals shall be closed down in a manner some will be knocked out of business.
People are advised to cover their nose to prevent it as a result of the evil wind that will blow from the Sahara.
Uphold former president IBB in prayers for him to survive in the year 2017.
There will be emerging face off between United States of America and Turkish government. The year shall be a year of great reconciliation, of old friends enermies both national and internationally, North to South and across to East to West.
I saw in Jacob`s Ladder and the Lord showed me that in this 2017, men and women who are faithful in their tithes and offering and seed sowing will be promoted.
Pray for Bishop David Oyedepo and all the fathers of faith in Nigeria shall be a year of great shakings and controversies. Many gatherings and narrow escape from death.
There shall be woken from sleep only to discover that enemies have surrounded them, but they will defeat the enemy in less than 30 minutes.
Value Rejuvenation:
There shall be revival of values, sound conduct would be emphasied in the Nation`s socio, cultural structures emphasies on integrity and values shall stand as part of anti-corruption fight.
2017 shall be special for year paramout chiefs rulers for their recognition in the Nigeria national politics.
Pray for Senate Minority Leader Senator Godswill Akpabio, that the dogs sent by his enermies to attack him should not attack him in public or bit him in secret.
Church in Nigeria:
In 2017 the pope shall turn his attention to Nigeria many churches especially the ones incorporated will know their rights but shall be force not to cover their obligations but there will enjoy their privileges.
2017 Prophesies of Bishop Dr. Emmah Isong General Overseer of Christian Central Chapel International CCCI
Front view of Bishop Emmah Isong’s Church auditorium 
Women should be careful not to be exposing their bodies so that they don’t initiate you to mermaid cult-exposed dresses that is trending but not in consonace with God. While exposing your body a lot of women will be initiated.
It’s a year of poisoning espercially of the high calibre be careful of social functions for there is going to be incessant death to the extent that if care is not taken it will get the government distracted.
Cigarettes Smoking:
More strigent laws will be made against cigarette smoking.
Fake Prophesies:
Beware of prohesies that comes out from those who used familiar spirits to divide your families and break away relationships between friends. Those of you that are consultants be care of where you go to seek for consultation.
Nigeria’s Recession:
Nigeria shall come out from recession but you should give the glory to God so that a worst thing should not happen to us again.
National association of engineers should be cautious so that they don’t allow ethnic and tribal and different sentiments tear the association apart.
Akwa Ibom:
Akwa Ibom state there’s already a political battle line drawn for the 2019. There’s a new development and victory that will shocked political permutators.
Cross River:
Cross River State will boom in Cocoa trade and a boom for hardworking traders and farmers.
Calabar based politicians are going to clash with Abuja based politicians as a result of political scheming and maneuvering, there will be a lot of decamping even from governors to governors from one political party to another.
Private Sector:
Managing Directors of two major companies shall land in hot soup in the early quarter of the year in a manner that they might be thrown into jail.
Ndoma Richard
Writes from Calabar