20 minutes of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero gameplay footage includes Vegeta’s iconic ‘Over 9000’ moment

20 minutes of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero gameplay footage includes Vegeta's iconic 'Over 9000' moment

The pieces are all starting to come together as the fighting game community eagerly awaits the arrival of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. The full 182 character roster was revealed on Thursday along with more information about the game’s bold new customization options, and now gameplay footage is starting to flow across social media.

YouTuber CerealkillerzAT has posted a full 20 minutes of Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s story mode as we see Goku and friends battle their way through four memorable scenarios, one of which includes the franchise’s most memed moment: Vegeta’s iconic “over 9000” line.

Sparking Zero offers players the chance to not only play through Dragon Ball’s most famous narrative threads, but also to change them. We saw recently what happens if Goku survives the Raditz encounter, but in the footage below we get to see an even greater deviation from part of the original story as players can opt to not bring Piccolo with them to the fight at all.

Of course, we won’t play through every moment of every episode of Dragon Ball content, and in the video we get to see how Sparking Zero progresses through non-highlighted parts of the story. Voice overs and slide shows get us from one point in the action to another, as we see in the example of the conclusion of the Raditz saga all the way to Goku’s battle with Nappa just over a year later.

This is the the fight in which Vegeta oh-so memorably remarks that Goku’s power level has breached 9000 as he does battle with Nappa. Bandai Namco was sure to include this line during the battle, but instead of doing so with a cut scene, they toss it in while you’re in the midst of fighting Nappa.

We also get footage of Trunk’s duel from Dragon Ball Super with Goku Black, and finally a snippet from the Frieza saga as the Saiyan hater dukes it out with Krillin on Namek in his lowest-power form.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is set to release on October 11, 2024 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC, and those who pre-order the Deluxe or higher editions will get three days of early access.
