100th anniversary of St. Jonah of Odessa celebrated by canonical Ukrainian Church (+VIDEO)

Odessa, May 31, 2024

Photo: pravlife.org Photo: pravlife.org     

Yesterday, May 30, marked the 100th anniversary of the repose of the Righteous St. Jonah Atamansky of Odessa.

“There has probably never been a more famous parish priest in the history of Odessa,” reads a message from the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Odessa, where the great saint’s relics lie in repose.

This year, the feast was celebrated at the cathedral by the vicar of the Odessa Diocese His Eminence Archbishop Diodore of Yuzhne together with His Eminence Archbishop Sergei of Bolgrad and city clergy, reports Orthodox Life.

At the end of the Liturgy, the glorification to St. Jonah was served in front of the shrine holding his relics.


The Dormition Cathedral writes of St. Jonah:

There has probably never been a more famous parish priest in the history of Odessa. Archpriest Jonah exemplified many different forms of holiness in his life. He was a denouncer of schisms and heresies, an excellent preacher, a zealous missionary and supporter of the poor, a strict ascetic, and a loving father.

His Eminence Archbishop Nikanor (Brovkovich), who ordained Fr. Jonah, said to those around him: “Take a blessing from Fr. Jonah; he’s a future good shepherd, and I feel a special grace upon him. His soul burns with a sacred flame.”

Fr. Jonah earned the devoted love of his flock through his virtues, and everyone strove to attend the early Liturgy, which he usually served at the Holy Dormition Church in Odessa (now the cathedral). Parishioners hung on his every word. He inspired everyone with his service and sermons. Believers felt he was a great intercessor. To them, he was both a father, mentor, and spiritual guide. Fr. Jonah’s home was open to all who were sorrowful and destitute, and no one left without consolation. He understood people well, could read their thoughts, and delve into their souls. The righteous man knew all his flock by name and skillfully guided them to a virtuous life and sincere repentance. Fr. Jonah especially protected orphans, feeding and clothing many. He was kind and attentive to everyone. People from not only Odessa and its surroundings but also many other places sought his help and advice.

Unceasing prayer and strict abstinence made him truly holy.

Fr. Jonah belonged to the white clergy, but great ascetics of Kiev at that time said of him: “We monks aren’t worthy of him; he’s much higher than us.” He received from God the power to heal wounded souls and sick bodies. The miracle of healing a boy born blind was confirmed by Professor V. P. Filatov. When the Soviet authorities conducted an investigation and show trial, accusing Fr. Jonah of fraud and blackmail, Professor Filatov firmly stated that this was indeed the child he had refused to treat and acknowledged the miracle’s reality, despite the judges’ slander and shame.

Seeing beyond the veil of time, he prophesied about the fate of the world. Now in Heaven, Fr. Jonah continues to pray for those who invoke him, as evidenced by the ongoing miracles and healings at his relics.

Read more about St. Jonah in the article, “100th anniversary of St. Jonah of Odessa celebrated by canonical Ukrainian Church (+VIDEO)A Second Saint John of Kronstadt, Priest Jonah Atamansky of OdessaSaint John of Kronstadt often said to those from the south: ”Why have you bothered to come all this way to see me when you have a man of prayer in Father Jonah?”

“>A Second St. John of Kronstadt, Priest Jonah Atamansky of Odessa.”

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