$1,000 illegal immigrant bounty proposed in Missouri

$1,000 illegal immigrant bounty proposed in Missouri

A new bill proposal is being considered in Missouri that would offer residents a $1,000 bounty for reporting illegal immigrants who enter the United States. The bill would also allow bounty hunters to search for illegal immigrants and detain them.

According to Fox 2, the new bill, which has been proposed by Republican state Senator-elect David Gregory, was first made public on Tuesday. If passed, the bill would create a system for residents to report illegal immigrants to the Missouri State Highway Patrol and receive a reward.

The proposed legislation, known as Senate Bill 72, states, “This act creates the offense of trespass by an illegal alien which provides that a person shall be guilty of such offense if the person is an illegal alien who knowingly enters this state and remains here and is physically present in the state at the time a licensed bounty hunter or peace officer apprehends the person.”

Senate Bill 72 warns that illegal immigrants who remain in Missouri will face imprisonment without probation or parole and that illegal immigrants will be prevented from voting in elections, becoming legal residents of the state, receiving a permit or license, and receiving any public benefits.

The bill states, “Additionally, the Department of Public Safety shall develop an information system for people to report violations of this act which shall include a toll-free telephone hotline, e-mail, and online reporting portal. Any person who makes a report in which an illegal alien is arrested shall receive a reward of $1,000.”

READ MORE: $151 billion spent on illegal immigration in 2023: Report

The legislation would also direct the Department of Public Safety to establish the “Missouri Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program,” which would allow licensed individuals to “be bounty hunters for the purpose of finding and detaining illegal aliens in this state.” Under the current bill proposal, anyone licensed as a surety recovery agent, a bail bond agent, or a general bail bond agent would be eligible to apply for the Missouri Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program.

Senate Bill 72 would also establish the “Missouri Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program Fund,” which would be allocated by the Missouri General Assembly.

According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Senate Bill 72 is one of seven bills that have been introduced in the state legislature to address the issue of immigration. The outlet noted that other bill proposals have suggested fining cities $25,000 per day if they implement sanctuary city policies, requiring businesses to ensure that employees are properly documented, and establishing a new immigration offense with consequences such as jail time and removal.

