10 Areas Gov. Ayade must Focus on to Move Cross River to Greater Heights -By Prince Abi Jr

10 Areas Gov. Ayade must Focus on to Move Cross River to Greater Heights -By Prince Abi Jr

Prince Thomas Abi Jr|9 December 2016

For over 3 months the social media has been awash with the news of the Supreme Court case. The case has come and gone and Governor Ben Ayade has emerged victorious. In celebrating his victory he must immediately get down to work. 

The governor must as a matter of urgency focus on the following areas of note.

1. Education
No nation can do well without quality and sound Education. As a Professor he must immediately revamped the decayed educational system by providing state of the art educational facilities. Modern laboratories, electronic libraries, and the provision of a comfortable learning environment for our children. If we must move from where we are to the next level of our development drive we must pay attention to our educational sector.

2. Security
Cross River State over the years has been referred to as a tourism state, we have become the envy of many. As we work towards hosting the largest street party in the African continent we must work towards strengthening our security. All forms of cult activities must be tackled and lasting peace brought to our beloved state if we intend to generate mega revenue in the days ahead as a people. 

3. Roads
The roads in Cross River State are in a sorry state. The roads are crying for help. It is now time to swing into action and repair our roads with focus on the major towns in the State. Towns of Ugep, Ikom, Ogoja and Obudu should receive urgent attention. Our state deserves quality roads and it is my believe that you will immediately rehabilitate our roads. 

4. Health
The health sector is one we must look into. Across the 196 wards of the state, there is the need to provide primary health care centers in each village across the state. Our general hospitals and other government agencies need attention too. Sir, may I also remind you that the state urgently needs a diagnostic center where our people can get proper treatment at affordable rate. It will save lives and also provide revenue for our state. 

5. Industrialization
It is no news that we have been referred to as a civil service state. Cross River State is blessed with diverse resources. If we look inwards we can industrialize Bekwarra groundnut, Bansara rice, our plantain into flour, yam into flour, cassava into flour, cocoa into beverages, banana into fruit juice, salt into commercial quantity, and maize into cereals. 

6. Local government Pensioners/ Workers
The local government pensioners have lamented over the non payment of their pensions and salary. Sir, this is the time to thank God for your victory by paying our workers and pensioners that are owed many months. This is the time to show love to your workers for the Holy Books say a worker deserves his wages.

7. Unemployment
The major problem we have today as a state is the problem of unemployment. Once you can provide jobs for our youths you will remain the darling of the people. I urge you to look for areas that can create jobs. By building factories that are sustainable and can generate revenue for the state and can be runned without waiting for money from government before it is runned. Soap factory is one we must key into, fruit juice, palm oil, and other areas that can generate massive employment. 

8. Taxis
Cross River State needs taxis in other towns of Ugep, Ogoja, Ikom and Obudu. As a tourist state. It is advisable that you provide taxis for our major towns. 

9.  Information
There is the need for the state to go global. And in achieving this, we must speedily digitalize Cross River Broadcasting Corporation into a modern outfit that can be accessed on cable network for the proper proliferation of information for the people of Cross River State and friends of our state. 

10. Women Empowerment
Women play a major role in the society. There is the need to empower the rural women for economic emancipation. Women are good managers of resources and it is only natural that the rural women get empower if we must stamp out poverty. 

It is my firm believe that we will consolidate in the months and years ahead once these few areas are given speedy attention.

Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Social Commentator